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WB-Organic Black Quinoa
  • WB-Organic Black Quinoa

    Organic black quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) was once called “the gold of the Incas” for increasing the stamina of Incan warriors. Quinoa is a naturally gluten-free seed that behaves like a grain when cooked. It's a delicious, nutrient-rich alternative to rice or couscous. Our organic quinoa is grown wild and free of any pesticides and chemicals. Black quinoa has all the same health benefits of golden quinoa.

    • Black Quinoa Nutrition

      Health Benefits of Black Quinoa Quinoa, the "mother grain," is an extremely nutritious seed. It has a protein value that is extremely high (12-18%) and the protein it supplies is complete protein, meaning that it includes all nine essential amino acids. Because of this, it takes less quinoa protein to meet one's protein need than wheat protein. Quinoa is easy to digest and naturally contains no gluten. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, phosphorous, magnesium, and iron. You can also make quinoa flour by grinding the seeds. Black and golden quinoa are nutritionally identical. Black quinoa lends a rich color to your recipes. Store quinoa in sealed plastic or glass containers in a cool, dark, dry cabinet. Quinoa will stay fresh for one year if properly stored. This power-packed nutritional combo helped give quinoa the name "Gold of the Incas" when it was cultivated thousands of years ago in the Andes; Incan warriors highly valued the crop for the energy and stamina it gave them.

      Among the wholesome attributes that make the organic quinoa grain special are:

      1) Quinoa is considered a complete protein because it contains all 9 essential amino acids. A one-cup serving of cooked organic quinoa contains 12-18% Daily Value (DV) for protein, which is more than any grain. In particular, organic quinoa contains lysine, an amino acid that most grains lack. Lysine helps the body absorb calcium and reduces stress-induced anxiety.

      2) According to the USDA, quinoa contains nearly twice as much dietary fiber as other grains. A serving of organic quinoa has about 20% DV for dietary fiber, which supports a healthy digestive system by speeding up the passage of food and waste. It also keeps you feeling full longer to prevent overeating and promote weight loss.

      3) Organic quinoa is a good source of minerals like phosphorous, magnesium and iron. Phosphorous is important for bone formation, kidney health, and muscle strength. Magnesium controls blood glucose levels, aids the absorption of calcium, and regulates blood pressure. Iron helps deliver oxygen-rich blood cells throughout the body.

      Our Quinoa Benefits Small Farmers

      We’re proud to source our organic quinoa from a community of small Peruvian farmers, supporting the livelihood of their families and communities. Many of these farmers face unfair competition to export in a market that favors large-scale competitors. That’s why we work closely with an organization that benefits small farmers directly and gives them the opportunity to sell their quinoa.

      Agricultural engineers from local areas help the farmers to ensure organic standards are met. The quinoa thrives thanks to the generational knowledge of the farmers, combined with environmentally-friendly growing methods. Organic farming practices are also more beneficial to the land, and enable the farmers to achieve a better yield than they would with other crops. The sale of quinoa improves their standard of living, which in turn benefits their neighboring communities.

    • Shipping Info

      We Ship everything you order the same day. You should receive your order within 2-3 days. If you need it faster, please do not hesitate to hit the contact button.

    • Return & Refund Policy

      If you are unsatisfied for any reason, Please call our RealLife CEO on his personal Cell Phone Number.


      Lance Nabers

      CEO RealLife     


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