WB-RealLife Chocolate Lover Wellness Muffins
If You love Wellness, Chocolate, and again Chocolate-your going to love our pre-made All Natural Chocolate Lovers Wellness Muffins. All Natural Cacoa, Our own Happy Feelings Wellness Blends, Nuts, Seeds, and a little Sprouted Superflour. You just add a little Greek Yogurt and an egg. Boom - you can use for breakfast, lunch and dinner and everything in between.
RealLife Wellness Kit Serving Sizes
Each of the RealLife Pre-Made Wellness Foods contains All-Natural Organic ingredients literally packed with protein, vitamins, healthy fats, and super nutrients that are key to a healthy lifestyle.
Trial Supply = Servings for 2
Family Supply- Servings for 5
Wellness Supply- Servings for Weeks
Shipping Info
We Ship everything you order the same day. You should receive your order within 2-3 days. If you need it faster, please do not hesitate to hit the contact button.
Return & Refund Policy
If you are unsatisfied for any reason, Please call our RealLife CEO on his personal Cell Phone Number.
Lance Nabers
CEO RealLife